Invest In Your Health
се появи заради желанието и любовта към движението, дълголетието и здравето. Движението е в основата на живота и създава голяма част от уменията ни. Да сме здрави и силни е присъщо на всички ни и няма по-голямо удовлетворение от това да усещаш контрола над тялото и съзнанието.

Нашите тренировки
В основата на нашите тренировки е заложено използването на гимнастически упражнения с цел подобряване цялостното физическо здраве, сила и гъвкаовст на тялото. Не се дава превес на едното качество пред другото, а общата физическа кондиция се работи в баланс.
Класовете са както за начинаещи, така и за напреднали, и са изградени чрез прогресии съобразени с нивото на всеки човек. Фокусът е към стречинг, мобилност, подобряване на обема на движение на ставите и цялостна тренировка на тялото.
Подходът ни е към изграждане на интелигентно структуриране на тренировките и подобряване на разбирането как функционира тялото. В началото отделяме време за работа върху слабите елементи в тялото (контузии, хронично обездвижване и други), мобилизираме и подобряваме силата на мускули, съединителна тъкан и стави, преди да преминем към елементите изграждащи истинска сила.
Нашите тренировки са забавни, но имат безопасен, ефективен и дълготраен във времето резултат. Учите нови умения, докато ставате по-силни, подобрявате движението си и разкривате непознати за вас възможности на тялото ви.
What clients are saying
„I have been training at Motivity for over 5 years and during this time I can clearly notice changes in many aspects of my daily life. I am stronger, more toned, more flexible. Psychologically, I am more resilient and focused. The most valuable of all things is Motivity’s approach toward making lifestyle changes and teaching me how to use every chance I have to move or make better choices for myself. Every training session is a pleasure because of the professional attitude of the coaches, the progress I see, the motivations I receive, and last but not least because of the great atmosphere.“ The Motivity team is so motivated with what they do that they pass the energy to all the trainees. Seeing what the coaches can do makes you believe that you can do it, too. They are always passionate and give personal attention to everyone in class while paying huge attention to the details. I can say that I feel in the best shape of my life after training with them for the last two years. Every workout with Rado is joy, full of useful information about the human body and nutrition, and of course a lot of hard work. I can hardly wait to get to the gym and train and the time spent working out gives me a blast of energy, confidence in my abilities and belief that I can achieve more with every next time. Rado has been my coach for over a year now. Every workout is a new challenge for me as he gradually expands the variety of exercises and increases their difficulty.Rado helps me keep my focus and motivation high with his positive and can-do attitude. I had been training for 7-8 years and I have always used the services of a personal trainer because I believe that way I can avoid injuries and progress better. Rado has been my trainer for almost a year and I see great results due to performing proper technique and guidance from him. Working out with Rado is both rewarding and fun, which keeps my motivation high. I have also been following a strict nutritional plan made by him and my body looks better than ever. I’ve known Rado before he started his journey toward self-actualizing through nutrition and fitness. He had always been curious and interested in these areas, but throughout the years he gained a lot of knowledge and experience. While we worked together, he wasn’t able to spark the light and motivate me to start making healthier eating choices and work on my fitness. Over time, however, he managed to pass on his passion onto me. When I started training with Rado, I used to weigh 103 kilograms (227 lbs.) and in a period of 5 months he completely changed my eating habits and mobility loosing 15 kilograms of fat (30 lbs.) to my current weight of 88 kilograms (194 lbs.), and we are not done yet. For the past 7 years, I have been struggling to lose fat, but with Rado’s help, I managed to find a sustainable way to maintain a healthy weight, eat well and feel great. I have been training with Rado for a little over 4 months and he has been great. In our initial interview, I shared with him that I have a lumbar disc hernia and I need to be careful with the exercises. For the time since I started working out, I haven’t felt any discomfort and I feel the improvement in my posture, mobility, and general health. I have been following Rado’s nutritional advice and I quickly lost 10 kilograms (22 lbs.) of fat and built functional muscle. I`ve known Rado for 6 years now and saw his evolution first-hand. He`s one of those people that know no limitations and will achieve anything they put their minds to. I`ve worked with him, trained with him and talked with him. He`s much more than a coach in the sense that he carries something in him that inspires you to be the best version that you can be. He helped me do my first unassisted handstand with his correct and timed advice, focusing my attention on my shoulders, thoracic spine, and hips – three areas that I need to work on the most. If you want to feel good in your skin, get back to what your body is designed to do at birth, learn gymnastics, improve your nutrition and be inspired to reach your potential – Coach Rado is the person for you! I was hooked after the first practice. I knew I want to continue training at Motivity. I got motivated to start training again after 2-3 years of inactivity. I was infected with the knowledge and the enthusiasm of the trainers. There is nothing impossible for them. Some things just require more time and there are different strategies to achieve them. I am amazed how enjoyable and easy-going the practice is. Each time after I start my day with a workout, it is a great day! Rado brought me back to life, and this is not an exaggeration. I used to overeat then starve for days. I used to train until I collapse. I didn’t have any social life. I was weak, depressed and struggled to change. I am thankful that I know him because he is more than a coach, he is a great person. I have to say, that I never liked the concept of fitness exercising and going to the gym. Over the years, I have started and forfeiting different fitness programs, because I just don’t like it. I tend to be an active person, really into sports. Being a software developer though, my day goes behind a desk, with not much mobility and movement. I met Rado through a friend’s suggestion and I have to say that he opened my eyes about what it means to be fit, why is so important to be agile, to work on your mobility. His insights explained a lot of the problems I had and pointed out so much areas for improvement. Not only an expert in what he does, Rado is also a truly inspiring coach, whose motivation and persistence is an invaluable example for me.Bilyana Nenova
Bilyana Nenova
Neli Marinkova
Neli Marinkova
Antonia Toceva
Antonia Toceva
Antoaneta Dimova
Antoaneta Dimova
Vladimir Zanev
Vladimir Zanev
George Andonov
George Andonov
Vladimir Vatkov
Vladimir Vatkov
Valia Marinkova
Valia Marinkova
Nickey Kolev
Nickey Kolev
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Ditch the pain and Improve your Mobility